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Python 3.8.10: /usr/bin/python3
Sat May 18 08:27:58 2024

A problem occurred in a Python script. Here is the sequence of function calls leading up to the error, in the order they occurred.

 /var/www/html/har/getmap/ in <module>
     85 for seas in list_of_seas:
     86         print('var marker%s = L.marker([%s, %s]).addTo(map);' % (i,seas[0],seas[1]))
=>   87         print('var popup%s = marker%s.bindPopup(\'<A HREF=../../>%s</a>\');' % (i, i,N,O,seas[0],seas[1],seas[2],maxlat,maxlon,minlon,minlat,server_url,layer,cql_filter,visit,seas[3]))
     88         print('popup%s.openPopup();' % (i))
     89         i=i+1
builtin print = <built-in function print>, i = 0, N = 'simple', O = '1521', seas = (78.8, 17.5, 4.5, 'Artic'), maxlat = '65.0', maxlon = '44.0', minlon = '-16.0', minlat = '30.0', server_url = '', layer = '', cql_filter = ('',), visit = 'dataproviders:1521'

ValueError: unsupported format character '&' (0x26) at index 172
      args = ("unsupported format character '&' (0x26) at index 172",)
      with_traceback = <built-in method with_traceback of ValueError object>